Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brother quotes and sayings

* Sometimes being a brother is better than being a superhero. ~ Marc Brown

* A brother is a friend God gave you; A freind is a brother your heart chose. ~ Proverb

* The younger brother must help pay for the pleasures of the elder. ~ Jane Austin

* A brother is a friend given by nature. ~ Jean Baptiste Legouve

* When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life. ~ Antistheras

* A friend is a brother that once was a bother. ~ Unknown

* I am smiling because you are my brother, I am laughing because there is nothing you can do about it! ~ Unknown

* Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperationa and kindness and caring - quite often the hard way. ~ Pamela Dugdale

* First a brother, then a bother, now a friend. ~ Unknown

* The best way to get a puppy is to beg for a baby brother - and they'll settle for a puppy every time. ~ Winston Pendelton

* A brother share childhood memories and grown up dreams. ~ Unknown

* It was nice growing up with someone like you - someone to lean on, someone to count on...someone to tell on! ~ Unknown

* The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out of his nose. ~ Garrison Keillor

* There is no love like the love for a brother. There is no love like the love from a brother. ~ Astrid Alauda

* He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival, my confidant and my betrayer, my sustainer and my dependent, and scariest of all, my equal. ~ Gregg Levoy

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